Wednesday, August 5, 2009

I'm so glad that these ladies are back in the United States. My heart just broke when I saw Euna kneeling down to hug her daughter, you could feel her happiness just by watching. I know I had blogged earlier about my frustration about how this whole entire situation seemed to have no press coverage...well, I guess there was a lot of work done in the background and could not be discussed in a public setting. Whatever it was, I'm so happy to see these women back with their families and returning to lives they have been missing for two long.

A week and a half! EEK! I'm really happy about all the stories, they have been incredibly insightful and amazing! Before I know it, I need to start organizing my work for the event I've been planning for the next person. YIKES. This summer has been incredibly stressful with me (most of it not having to do with the internship) so I'm kind of relieved that I will have time to decompress but I'm sad to leave because all the great people I have been able to meet.

Today, me and the other interns along with Lisa went to go recycle at Cal Tech today! OMG, the bins were separate in such an OCDish manner...I would have appreciated it more if I wasn't so hot! After that, we received cupcakes for our hard work, LOL.

Love, The Tumultuous Dolphin

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